Saturday, August 25, 2012

To HUG Or Not To HUG!?!

Living a life of purity is not an easy one to live because it doesn't just pertain to sexual purity alone. It also involves how you carry yourself (how you live your life & your demeanor), how you present yourself ( the way you dress), your actions (the things you do or participate in) and your words (the things you say & the jokes you tell or laugh at). 2 Timothy 2:9-10 "Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." Some of these actions may seem completely hugging a friend - even a friend of the opposite sex.

But after talking to one of my guy friends...I was able to get a better understanding of how men react to our sexuality and physical attributes by just interacting with us and especially hugging us. I knew guys were turned on by touch...but I didn't realize how sensitive their bodies are to that touch. I didn't know that our scent draws them in and can be intoxicating to them...did you know that? And that just touching us by either their body brushing up against us as they pass us by or them giving us a hug while our bodies are embracing and touching theirs - will turn them on!...Causing them to say to themselves, "I liked that or those felt nice" and we cause them to stumble and cause them to have to fight that sexual temptation/urge/desire. I think us women sometimes forget the impact we have on guys just by breathing just by being ourselves. And I admit their are moments that I forget how easily affected men are by us.

I don't want to be the one who causes a brother in Christ to stumble let alone a non-christian. 1Corinthians 10:32 "Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God." Which is why I am writing this post and why GOD is leading me to make this change in my life that I am now making. For awhile now GOD has been strongly convicting me to stop hugging guys because of the damaging sinful impact that hug can have on these men who are trying to stay pure. I know many people reading this may not agree with what I am saying...In fact some may think I am weird or old fashioned but it doesn't matter because I don't live my life for them but for an "Audience of ONE". So after I spoke with this guy friend along with 2 of my girlfriends, it became even more clear what I needed to do.  So going forward I will NO LONGER be hugging any guys...except my male family members.

This decision isn't just to keep the men from stumbling but to also guard my heart while protecting theirs. Women are emotional beings and become emotionally attached very easily. Close contact (like hugging) with a guy can cause an emotional attachment to them. I don't need to be having an emotional attachment with anyone but my husband. And since the next guy I even kiss will be the guy I marry...I most certainly don't need to be hugging any guys. And especially with the way some of the guys hug - you know those full frontal hugs that places our faces so close to theirs making that hug become a very intimate encounter - will only set the scene for sin (whether sinful thought, desire etc.). Which isn't holy or wise!!
To my guy friends who I have hugged and who may not see hugging as a big deal or understand this sudden change..please know this has been something that has been heavy on my heart for years now. I appreciate you respecting this boundary. :)


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